MEETING NANCY (set shortly before "Gillian") ------------------------------------------------------- "Starsky!
Don´t draw your gun on her!" Chuckling, Hutch leant back against the stuck Torino, watching his partner storming over
to the owner of the reason for his car´s condition. "Hey!" the detective yelled at the young woman. "You! That your car?" "Hi,"
she greeted him sweetly. "Yes. Why?" "Wh... Well in case you haven´t noticed you´ve parked IN FRONT of another car!
Which happens to be mine!" Confused, she looked over his shoulder at the car and Hutch, who winked at her. "That
car´s yours?" "Yeah!" "Oh. I thought it was just standing there. I didn´t think someone would actually drive it." While
aware of Hutch´s loud laughing, Starsky wondered if she was for real. "I mean," she continued, "it looks like a striped
tomato or somethin´." A low thud could be heard when Hutch, doubling over with laughter, fell from where he´d been sitting
on the car. "Listen Miss, I´m a cop, `kay? So you´re standing in the way of a police car!" "You´re a cop?!" "Yeah." "Oh." "Oh
what?" "You don´t look like one." "Uh ..." "You know, I´d love to stay and chat, but I´ve to go now. Bye." "Yeah,
`kay. B... HEY! What `bout my car?!" __________________________________________________________
DATING NANCY ---------------------- "Hey Starsk, want to come over to my place after we´re finished here?
Couple of beers, monopoly, what d´you say?" "Sounds great, but I already have other plans." "Really?" "Yup." "Do
I know her?" "Yup." "Oh? Who is it?" "Nancy." "Nancy who?" "Nancy Parking Queen." "THAT girl?!" "Well
... uh ... yeah." "You´re dating THAT girl?!" "You make it sound like I´m committing a crime or something. She´s really
nice." "Sure she is, but, I mean, she INSULTED the Torino. Last time I checked that WAS a crime." "She insulted it in
a nice, affectionate way." "I´ve insulted the car with exactly the same words for years now, and you never asked me out." "I
feared you would reject me, babe." "Aw! I´d never." "Ha, ha. Besides, I didn´t do the asking-out-part." "SHE asked
YOU?!" "Ya know, you really should consider your tone of voice today..." " `Sjust - why would she ask YOU out?!" "Hey!
I happen to be cute!" "Sure y´are, honey, but you yelled at her." "In a cute, affecti-" "Okay, okay, I get the picture.
So where´re you going?" "The toy fair! Isn´t that cool?! Her idea!" "Toys. Wow, if she´s not the perfect girl for you..." "I
know!" *grin*
