"Hey, you asleep?" Hutch asked softly, reaching out to stroke his curled up partnerīs hair. "No," came the mumbled
reply. "Donīt wanna sleep." "Iīll be here if you have a dream-" "I donīt want to sleep." "Buddy, youīre exhausted.
You need to rest." "I need her." Hutch sighed, sitting down on the cauch next to Starsky. "I know you do." "Itīs
been over a week now," Starsky said through a sob, "and it still hurts so much." "Shhh, I know, babe," Hutch soothed.
"I know." "And I ... I want to think about her, but ... it just hurts too much." Not knowing what else to do, Hutch
wrapped his suffering friend in a comforting hug. "Come here. Shh, itīs okay. Iīm here." "I donīt want to be afraid
of thinking of her, Hutch. She doesnīt deserve that." "Itīll get better, buddy," Hutch whispered assuringly. "I promise.
Itīll get better."
